Treating addiction as a chronic disease, or how can something that makes so...
It’s been ten years since a special communication in the Journal of the American Medical Association by four leading experts declared that drug dependence (including alcohol) should be treated as a...
View ArticleAlcoholism isn’t the only alcohol problem: It’s not even the biggest alcohol...
“One in four US teens and young adults binge drink,” blared the headlines in USA Today. And many of those folks are imbibing a lot more than only five drinks in a couple of hours, the definition...
View ArticleSubstance abuse a “crisis” in military; Defense Department response is...
Substance abuse in the Armed Forces is a crisis situation that reduces military readiness. And the Defense Department’s response is inadequate and outdated. Continue reading →
View ArticleIs there “proof” that AA works? There’s certainly a ton of evidence…
Of course, people who go to AA couldn’t care less about the research; they just know what works for them. True, AA doesn’t work for everybody. But then, many treatments for other chronic diseases work...
View ArticleTop Substance Abuse Research Findings of 2012 from
Buddy T., anonymous recovery writer for, penned a wonderful column on the most important research about ATOD in 2012. And, leading the way are — new findings on the harms of marijuana. Our...
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